Solar energy is clean energy

Photovoltaics is the direct conversion of sun rays into electricity. picea is the name of the unique storage system that can deliver this clean energy on demand 365 days a year. With picea, you declare your own independent energy transition and pioneer a future without CO₂ emissions.

Net public electricity generation in Germany 2022

Public net electricity generation in Germany 2020

Power supplies during “Dunkelflaute”

Photovoltaics is the direct conversion of sun rays into electricity. This power generation is available to everyone and has the least impact on our environment. CO₂-free, without exhaust fumes, noise or harming animals, 10.5% of our electricity was already generated in this way in 2020.

But the sun does not always shine. No or very little solar power is generated at night and when it is very cloudy. For this reason, the further construction of solar systems will no longer contribute to the regenerative energy supply to the same extent. This is because electricity is lacking during the hours when it is dark and there is no wind.

“Dunkelflaute”, which is a German word that literally means dark doldrums or dark lull, is the name given by the energy industry for the time when neither solar plants nor wind turbines can supply electricity. During this time, coal and nuclear power plants from all over Europe have to step in and secure the supply so that no one has to sit in the dark. The CO₂ emissions per kilowatt hour are then particularly high.

Solarenergie ist saubere Energie
Strompreis und Einspeisevergütung

Electricity price and feed-in tariff

Anyone who feeds their solar power into the electricity grid receives money for it. However, this feed-in tariff has been increasingly slashed in recent years, so that it’s no longer profitable to sell your own solar electricity. At the same time, the price of electricity for personal consumption has risen enormously. And there’s no end in sight to these developments.

No year-round electricity storage system had existed until now

In order to be able to use your own solar energy around the clock and around the year, there was previously no suitable solution that enables solar power to be used all year round when it is needed. Whether during the day, at night, at dusk or in winter when there is a shortage of sunlight.

We at HPS have developed a safe, self-sufficient and sustainable solution that is available today: picea.

With a photovoltaic system on your roof and such a storage system in your home, everyone can achieve their own energy transition! And thus take the step towards a self-sufficient, secure and CO₂-free future.

HPS Energiewende Picea mobile

We at HPS have developed a safe, self-sufficient and sustainable solution that is available today: picea.

With a photovoltaic system on your roof and such a storage system in your home, everyone can achieve their own energy transition! And thus take the step towards a self-sufficient, secure and CO₂-free future.

Comparison with battery storage

Battery storage systems capable of providing partial electricity supplies already exist on the market. These capitulate in winter and are forced to fall back on the mix of coal and nuclear power. picea is the first and only system that completely supplies its own CO₂-free electricity even in the months with little sunshine from November to February. picea uses the hydrogen reserves and, in addition to clean electricity, also contributes to the heating and fresh air supply.

Comparison battery
Green electricity comparison
Comparison with green electricity

Increasingly more people want environmentally friendly electricity. Many electricity customers have therefore signed green electricity contracts. But here, too, the green promise only applies when averaged over the year. These electricity customers are also supplied with the normal mix of coal, gas and nuclear electricity in winter. picea creates real transparency here. Anyone who has picea in their home knows: Only CO₂-free solar power comes out of my electricity sockets. With picea, you can achieve your own energy transition – 100% and immediately.

tons of CO₂ saved

Thanks to picea, we’ve succeeded in saving several hundred tonnes of CO₂ together with our customers since 2017, thus actively and sustainably doing something against climate change.

Start your independent and CO₂-free energy supply now.